Parent/Student Handbook


1360 N. Stevens Street

Rhinelander, WI 54501


Table of Contents

General Information4-5
Statement of Faith6-8
Secondary Doctrine Policy9
Mission Statement10
Early Childhood Curriculum Goals11-12
Grammar, Logic, & Rhetoric Stages Curriculum Goals13-15
Why Study Latin?16
Grading Policy17
Admission Policy18-19
Enrollment/Registration Policy20
Academic Policy21-22
Parent Involvement Policy23
Student Health & Safety Policy24-26
School Management of Medications Policy27-29
School Policy30
Student Electronic Devices/Internet Policy31
Classroom Etiquette32
Discipline Policy33-35
Conflict Resolution Policy36-37
Attendance Policy38
Pick Up and Drop Off Policy39
School Dress Code & Uniform Policy40-41
Lunch Policy42
Financial Policy43-44
Faculty Policies Applicable to Parents & Students45
Non-Discriminatory Clause46
Rights to Change Handbook47
Parent/Student Handbook Agreement Form
Expulsion Policy Form

General Information

Contact Information

Armis Dei Phone Number……………………………..……….……………………..Phone: (715) 360-3752

Mailing Address………………………………….…….………1360 N. Stevens St., Rhinelander, WI 54501

Physical Address…………..…………………………….……1360 N. Stevens St., Rhinelander, WI 54501


Armis Dei School Email……………………………………….………………… 

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors serves the school by setting policies that define and maintain the goals of the school. The Board of Directors examines the school’s goals, policies, programs, and curriculum in light of biblical principles and those of classical education. It is a corporate body of up to 10 active directors at any one time.

New board members may be nominated by two or more sitting board members. Any two sitting board members may remove a nominee from consideration. A nominee will be elected by an affirmative unanimous vote of the sitting board members. The purpose of the Board, on behalf of Christ and Christians of our community clearly committed to ADCCA, is to ensure the school achieves appropriate results for appropriate recipients at an appropriate cost and avoids unacceptable actions and situations. The Board operates under the school’s adopted bylaws and mission statements and issues policies to the administration of the school for implementation. The Board examines the school’s policies, programs, and curriculum to ensure their alignment with the school’s vision and goals. Because of the corporate nature of the Board of Directors, an individual director has no authority over the school in any capacity.

2023-2024 Board of Directors

Sean Codere

Joe Guyette

Dan De Lisle

Ryan Schouweiler

Jeremy Vander Galien

Mandi Vander Galien


The headmaster reports to the Board of Directors and is the head administrator over the entire school. He/she oversees the management of the school and is directly involved in policy development and implementation, finances, curriculum development, teacher supervision and training, student discipline, curriculum implementation, admissions, and school programs.

Faculty and Staff

The faculty of ADCCA will seek to educate students to the world beyond. The faculty of ADCCA will be dedicated to students, their craft, and most of all, the centerpiece of life – Jesus Christ. The faculty will seek to contribute to their respective fields. They will be paid competitive wages for their professional services. The faculty will seek to expose students to the infinite beauty, justice, truth, and love of Jesus Christ via the curriculum and let the inherent value of these realities motivate the students to pursue true human flourishing. The faculty will challenge students to pursue true understanding and wisdom, not allowing them to settle for mere mastery of systems and forms. The faculty will be committed to the classical model of education and the academic rigors that this model prescribes.

Teacher Contacts

Amy Cottrell………………..…….…………..….PreK/K Teacher…………………

Kristin Guyette…………………………………1/2 Teacher………………..……

Bekka Codere………………………..….….…..3/4 Teacher…………………..………

Mandi Vander Galien………………….………  5/6 Teacher……………

Statement of Faith

We believe that God reveals Himself through the creation, preservation, and government of the universe. We believe that God makes Himself more clearly and fully known through the Scriptures, which are the only inerrant and infallible Word of God, our ultimate and final authoritative rule for faith and practice. These Scriptures are made up of 66 books, from Genesis to Revelation, the authority of which depend not upon the testimony of any man or church, and are all to be received as the Word of God.

We believe that there is but one living and true God, eternally existent in three Persons of one power, substance, and eternity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is perfectly wise, the overflowing fountain of all good. He is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. In all things, He is limited by nothing other than His own nature and character. We believe the God we serve is holy, righteous, good, loving, and full of mercy. He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Governor of all that has been made.

We believe in the true deity and full humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, such that two distinct natures, divine and human, were inseparably joined together in one person, without conversion, composition, or confusion. We believe in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.

We believe that Adam was made from the dust of the ground and formed after God’s image and likeness, which was good, righteous, and holy. Because of Adam’s sin, all mankind is in a state of rebellion against God. For the salvation of such lost and sinful men, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary.

We believe that salvation is by grace through faith alone, and that faith without works is dead. We believe that God freely justifies His own, not by infusing righteousness into them, but by pardoning their sins, and by accounting and accepting their persons as righteous, for the sake of Jesus Christ alone.

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life, as the Spirit of Christ within us enables us to do freely and cheerfully what the will of God revealed in Scripture requires to be done. We believe that good works are only those which arise from true faith, conform to God’s Word, and are done for His glory.

We believe God has appointed a day when He will judge the world in righteousness through Jesus Christ. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those who are saved to the resurrection of life, and those who are lost to the resurrection of damnation.

We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. All who are united to Christ as Head of the Church are united to one another in love and have communion in each other’s gifts and graces.

We believe that God defined marriage as the lifelong covenant between one man and one woman and that all forms of sexual activity outside of marriage are sin.

We believe that God immutably creates each person to reflect His image as male or female.

The statement of faith as written above is used with permission from the Association of Classical Christian Schools. 

Doctrine and Policies Concerning Sexuality

Our culture has been in rebellion against God’s creation of mankind as man and woman for sometime. This rebellion against lifelong, monogamous, heterosexual marriage is not only widespread it has been and is horrendously destructive. It will have an impact on ADCCA. For the protection of our staff and teachers, and for the guidance of families, it is necessary that ADCCA make plain our Scriptural convictions and commitments in this area.

We believe that God immutably creates each person in his mother’s womb as either male or female. From the moment of conception, males are distinct from females, and females are distinct from males. God’s decree of either male or female for each person is a gift to be received with gratitude and for each man to live out his manhood and each woman her womanhood, in humble reliance upon God’s grace. 

We believe that genetic sex and sexual identity cannot be separated and are united throughout one’s life. There are no gradations, you are either male or female. Men are not to play the woman nor women to play the man. This sin would include any attempts or efforts to change one’s sex by dress, behavior, chemical, surgical and/or any other means to adopt characteristics of the opposite sex. 

We believe that God’s created order of man and woman took place before the Fall and that God’s creation of Adam first, then Eve, is the origin of Scripture’s teaching of male headship and the condemnation of woman exercising authority over man. The creation order is a universal truth for all mankind.

ADCCA is privileged, in concert with the church and the home, to assist parents in training boys to be men and girls to be women. This is both for purposes of Christian discipleship and as a witness to the Gospel for the salvation of sinners. Thus, our teachers and staff will treat boys as boys and girls as girls in all areas of school life. There may be events or activities or programs that are limited to either boys or girls. Boys will not be allowed to participate in activities designated only for girls, and girls will not be allowed to participate in activities designated only for boys. Access to facilities that are designated for use by men are exclusively limited to males. Access to facilities that are designated for use by women are exclusively limited to women. 

Secondary Doctrine Policy

ADCCA is a Christian school that is independent of any particular church or denomination. An area that each Christian organization must decide on are which biblical truths are primary and which are secondary (1 Corinthians 15:3). Our Statement of Faith focuses on those biblical truths which have defined the primary doctrines of orthodox, Protestant and biblically-faithful Christians across all times and places. 

Thus, our Statement of Faith describes those doctrines that we believe are primary. Those left outside of our statement are not unimportant but are considered vital and secondary doctrines. What follows is ADCCA’s guidelines that apply to all ADCCA teachers in their capacity as teachers at ADCCA. We also ask that any parents, students and/or guests to ADCCA abide by the following policy.

  1. Secondary doctrines for ADCCA are those not contained in our Statement of Faith. Primary doctrines will be taught dogmatically through all grade levels without apology.
  2. Another way to define secondary doctrine are those areas of sincere disagreement where the Bible-believing Christians have disagreed (and continue to). One may respond with, “Where haven’t Christians disagreed?” While it is true that there hasn’t been an area where all who would call themselves “Christian” have agreed. Our intent here is to deal not with those issues where the Bible speaks clearly but those where fallible believers have and continue to dispute. 
  3. Examples of secondary doctrine would include issues such as eschatology, mode and subject of baptism, Calvinistic vs. Arminian soteriology.
  4. Classroom discussion of secondary doctrine should be on an informative, non-partisan level.  Teachers must be careful not to speak to the students in a manner that would cause offense to the parents.
  5. Presentation of all sides of an issue is encouraged. This will be particularly important during the dialectic and rhetoric stages of our curriculum. Students will learn to debate and disagree in a godly manner over secondary doctrines.
  6. The teacher should encourage the students to follow up any questions they have with their parents and pastor. ADCCA gladly acknowledges that the parents, under the authority of their local church, have the final responsibility to search the Scriptures with a sincere heart to come to understand such issues.

Mission Statement

Armis Dei Classical Christian Academy exists to partner with parents to mature students in the love of all of God’s truth so that they might live with courage in the world for His glory.

Our Mission For Our Students

ADCCA aims to equip students to lead and not merely respond to culture. To accomplish this, we provide a rigorous classical education that is unashamedly biblical. Our prayer is that this is used by God to produce students that are living as Christians, have faith to stand firm on biblical truth as they evaluate all of life in light of Scripture, are able to graciously, courageously, and persuasively converse on a range of issues from a historically informed Christian worldview, and to do so with genuine joy in the Lord. We desire that they leave our school with an eagerness to continue to learn because we have equipped them with the necessary tools to do so.

Our Mission For Our Parents

ADCCA aims to be an asset to our parents. Since God has given parents the primary authority and responsibility for the education of their children, Armis Dei aims to partner with parents in the raising of their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. We want our parents to have a sense of responsibility for our school as they grow with the school, excited to see what the Lord will do through us all.

Our Mission For Our Faculty

ADCCA aims to employ faculty who are growing examples of these same qualities. We desire them to be mature Christians, committed to building their own households in Christ, and an active part of their local church. We aim to pay our staff well and provide enrichment opportunities so that they may make a career at Armis Dei. We desire our teachers to be diligent, loving both their students and their subjects. They will aim to be the kind of teachers that bring life to their classrooms as they challenge their students to see the glory of God in all things. Our teachers should work to grow in their understanding of classical education and how it works both in their subject and throughout the entire curriculum. We desire a genuine camaraderie among our staff in that they support each other while doing what is needed to help each other excel.

Our Mission For Our Community

ADCCA desires to build up the coming generations to bless the Rhinelander area for generations to come. Our school seeks to be the kind of institution that local individuals, organizations, and businesses enjoy interacting with. We will work hard to be a help to and in great fellowship with churches in the Rhinelander area. Finally, we look forward to the day when our beloved community is greatly impacted as graduates from Armis Dei engage in every aspect of life in the Northwoods in such a way that life is better here by God’s grace and for His glory.

Early Childhood Education Curriculum Goals

ADCCA offers a rigorous academic program for grammar and secondary school students. Our Early Childhood Education Program (ECP), grades Pre-Kindergarten through Kindergarten, is designed to prepare children for such a program. In addition, the program has been created to provide an enriched environment for early age children, which benefits their intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual and social development. During the pre-grammar years, children develop characteristics which will affect their lifelong love of learning and prepare them for the rigors of a classical Christian education.

By completion of the Early Childhood Education Program, which is the end of Kindergarten, students should recognize and write the alphabet and have the necessary basic decoding skills needed for reading. In addition, students should express both an emotional and physical readiness for advancement. Each student should achieve competency in the areas of social development, math, reading, history, science, art, music, physical education, and Bible as reflected on the Kindergarten report card. The subject areas listed below give general guidelines for each of these curricula.

Social Development

One of the primary goals of the ECP is to develop confident and responsible individuals. Manners, sharing, taking turns, and cooperative play are taught, modeled, and practiced in the classroom.  Small class sizes and experienced, loving teachers create a place where each child knows they are loved and cared for which is essential for the development of happy, healthy students.


A Biblical worldview is central to all that we do in the early childhood classrooms and is integrated throughout the entire program. Students will memorize Bible verses and learn many Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments. Each student will learn of God’s great love for him/her not only through the activities and learning in the classroom, but also through the nurturing attention and guidance of a loving teacher.


The math program focuses on developing the foundational number concepts that are necessary for all mathematics. Through hands-on experiences, students will also learn skills in patterning, classifying, graphing, and basic geometry.

Reading (including Grammar, Spelling, and Penmanship)

The ECP reading program focuses on the skills needed for success in reading in a way that engages young minds. Students will be mastering important phonics skills, building vocabulary, and increasing comprehension through a variety of activities that are kinesthetic, auditory, and visual.

History (Social Studies)

By the end of the ECP, students will be knowledgeable and have explored the following topics; families, community and community helpers, a basic overview of the world God created (planets, continents and the various landforms) and key events and people in history (William Bradford, Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and current leaders in government).  In addition, students will learn more about our country and its state symbols and government structure as well as explore various countries and cultures throughout the world God created.


The goal of the science curriculum is to help instill a curiosity and wonder about the amazing world that God created. Students will explore various topics throughout their years in the pre-grammar stage including senses, seasons, animals, nutrition, plant growth, and basic physics concepts.


Students will use many different media to express their creativity and explore the world of art. As students experience the creative process, they build confidence, increase fine motor skills, and feel confident and uninhibited in their ability to create art.

Note: Students entering the Early Childhood Education Program must be toilet trained.

Grammar, Logic, & Rhetoric Stages Curriculum Goals

Bible: We seek to:

1. Have the students read the scriptures in context for themselves vs. only prescribed verses.

2. Understand God’s word through a historical-grammatical interpretation of the Bible.

3. Let the Scriptures speak for themselves with clarifications and illustrations by the teacher.

4. Teach the biblical pattern of salvation: Law before Grace.

5. Encourage each student to come to the Father, through the Son, and to grow in their knowledge and love of Him.

6. Equip our students with a Christian worldview that will serve as a lens through which they see every other subject and all of life.

7. Equip our students to graciously and wisely defend their faith as they refute unbelief in its various forms.

English: We seek to:

1. Equip every student with the skills necessary for good writing, including correct spelling and grammar, pleasing style, clarity of focus, proofreading, and self-correcting.

2. Emphasize good writing by requiring the students to write often and correctly in each subject area.

3. Encourage clear thinking by the students by requiring clear, focused, well-argued writing.

Reading/Literature: We seek to:

1. Use phonics as the primary building blocks for teaching students to read.

2. Introduce the students to high-quality literature.

3. Carefully monitor the student’s reading abilities to ensure he/she is comprehending adequately and is reading fluently, both orally and silently.

4. Wherever possible, integrate subjects like history and science into reading.

5. Foster a life-long love of reading as our students are acquainted with great western literature.

6. Encourage students to read literature that stretches their comprehension skills.

Latin: We seek to:

1. Instruct the students in vocabulary and grammar to increase their fundamental understanding of English, the history and writings of Western Civilization, and the Romance languages.

2. Reinforce the students’ understanding of English grammar.

3. Cultivate study and logical thinking through the study of Latin.

4. Encourage delight, curiosity, and attentiveness in students by teaching them to see the world through the eyes of another language.

5. Provide students with the tools necessary to access original texts of our classical and Christian heritage.

Mathematics: We seek to:

1. Ensure that the students have a thorough mastery of basic mathematical functions and tables.

2. Emphasize conceptual, as well as practical, understanding through the frequent use of multistep story problems and applications to other disciplines, especially science.

3. Illustrate God’s unchanging character through the timeless, logical, mathematical systems He gave to man through His gift of reason.

History/Geography: We seek to:

1. Teach the students that God is in control of history and He will determine its ultimate outcome (gospel prevails, great commission is fulfilled).

2. Enable students to see God’s hand in history by observing the effect His people have on history.

3. Encourage students to draw meaningful comparisons across different historical contexts.

4. Encourage students to display empathy for historical characters, understanding their actions and experiences in context.

5. Equip students to retrieve and evaluate information from a variety of sources.

6. Provide students with a working knowledge of the flow of history, especially the rise and fall of various civilizations, so that they can place new information in the appropriate context.

Science: We seek to:

1. Teach that a literal six-day interpretation of the creation account in Genesis is true and that the theory of evolution is false.

2. Teach the students the basic elements of both accounts and that both systems are based on either sound or unsound faith.

3. Show the students that, because God made the universe “ex nihilo”, it has inherent order which in turn makes it possible to hypothesize and experiment (scientific method), as well as to identify, classify, and categorize elements of creation.

4. Treat the study of science as a part of the study of history. That is, show the students the natural integration between the advances, individuals, and applications of science, with the development of historical events within the cultures studied.

5. Use many forms of instruction to teach science, particularly identifying, classifying, categorizing, experimenting, demonstrating, collecting, integrating with history and math, and experiencing guest lectures and field trips.

Art:  We seek to:

1. Teach all our students the basic fundamentals of drawing to enable them to create adequate renderings.

2. Encourage the students to appreciate and imitate the beauty of creation in their own works.

3. Introduce the students to masters’ works of the Western culture.

4. Equip the students to knowledgeably use a variety of art media.

5. Enable our students to refine their artistic abilities and become more proficient.

Why Study Latin?

All students take Latin every year starting in third grade. We believe there are at least five solid reasons for classical language study.

  1. Latin reveals a great deal about English and greatly enhances the student’s power of expression in his/her native language.
    1. About 80% of English vocabulary comes from Latin and Greek.
    2. English vocabulary tests reveal that students of Latin score higher.
  2. Latin develops and deepens the student’s understanding of and appreciation for literature.
    1. A doorway is opened to great classical literature- Virgil, for example.
    2. The student’s appreciation for English literature grows because great English literature is filled with classical allusions. A student who understands those has an increased advantage.
  3. Latin provides an understanding of the classical impact on our modern culture.
    1. This is evident in wedding rings, dollar signs, political structure, architecture, the names of constellations and planets, etc.
  4. Latin trains the student in the essentials of scientific method: observation, comparison, and generalization.
    1. Students of Latin are equipped with the methodology of rigorous analysis.
    2. Latin trains minds to encounter unfamiliar material in science and other disciplines.
  5. Latin provides a wonderful foundation for the study of other languages.
    1. Latin is not a “dead language,” but rather a language that lives on in almost all major Western languages, including French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian.
    2. Students gain an understanding of how inflected languages work. This will prepare them to study the languages of German, Russian, and Greek.

Grading Policy

Report cards are sent home with all students at the end of each quarter. At the end of the first quarter, parent-teacher conferences will occur to discuss the student’s academic progress. At any time, the teacher or parent may request additional conferences with one another.

Pre-Kindergarten-2nd Grading Scale

AAdvancedDemonstrates an in depth understanding of the concepts AND application above the criterion.
PProficientDemonstrates a complete understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning.
DDevelopingDemonstrates a partial understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning.
UUnsatisfactoryDemonstrates little to no understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning.

Grades 3-6 Grading Scale

F69 and below

Late Assignments

School Day(s) Late% Deduction
1 Day10%
2 Days20%
3 Days30%
4 Days100% (0% credit is received)

Physical Education Grading Scale

AAdvancedGifted athletically, good sportsmanship, good effort
PProficientGifted athletically but does not always have good sportsmanship or good effort orAthletic, good sportsmanship, good effort
DDevelopingAthletic but only sometimes good sportsmanship or good effortAthletic skills are developing
UUnsatisfactoryDoes not display good sportsmanship or effortNo attempt to bettering athletic skills

Admission Policy

ADCCA practices a biblical philosophy of admissions, not discriminating based on sex, race, color, or national origin. Parents must attend one ADCCA informational meeting and read through the Mission Statement, the Statement of Faith, the Parent/Student Handbook, watch videos prior to application, and read the books prior to the parent/student interviews.




Copies can be obtained to borrow from ADCCA.

  1. Classical and Christian Education by Gregg Strawbridge
  2. Character Driven College Preparation by John WilliamTurner

Complete an Application

  1. Applications must be received by June 1 to be considered for the 2023-2024 school year (some exceptions may be permitted, please inquire).
  2. Be advised that references are required with the application.

– Pastor recommendation 

– Previous teacher recommendation

  1. Provide any special learning tests, records, or other necessary documents.
  2. Provide transcript and/or report cards from previous school or homeschool.
  3. In order to complete the new student’s application, payment of $20 per student applicant is to be paid. In the event that the family withdraws their application or chooses not to enroll a particular student, the application fee is non-refundable for each student.
  4. Applications will be processed as they are received.

– Family interviews will be scheduled after the application and fee is received and processed.

Family Interview With the School Board

  1. The purpose of the family interview is to determine the compatibility of the family’s goals with the school’s mission, vision, philosophy, and methods.
  2. The interview will also focus on the student’s character and desire to enroll at ADCCA.
  3. Both parents (if applicable) along with their student(s) must be present at the interview.
  4. The interview with the parents will take approximately 45 minutes.
  5. The evaluation of the student will take approximately 45 minutes.
  6. Within two weeks after the interview you will be notified of your application status (accepted, denied, or pending) or if more information is needed.
  7. Any necessary testing in math and reading will be completed for each new student so that student placement is in the grade where he/she has the best opportunity for academic success.


  1. After being accepted to ADCCA, you will receive an acceptance email with registration instructions.
  2. Registration secures your student’s place in class. Registrations will be processed in the order in which they are received.

Admission Requirements for Students

  1. Pre-Kindergarten applicants must be at least 4 years old and Kindergarten applicants must be at least 5 years old by June 1st of the current school year. Minimum age requirements continue in this manner for each grade level.
  2. If a child has successfully completed the previous year, he/she will proceed to the next grade level. New students will be assessed individually so that they can be challenged with a curriculum appropriate to their needs and abilities.
  3. The child should understand that his/her parents have delegated their authority to ADCCA while the child is in school. He/she is therefore subject to the instruction and discipline of the teachers and staff while at school.

Admission Requirements for Parents

  1. During the parent interviews with the headmaster and school board, at least one parent must be willing to clearly articulate a personal and saving relationship with Jesus Christ. In addition, both parents should have a clear understanding of the biblical philosophy and functioning of ADCCA. Both parents must read the Statement of Faith and understand that it constitutes the doctrinal beliefs of the school and that its truths will be purposefully and clearly taught to their children who are enrolled at ADCCA. These matters will be reviewed in the personal interview.
  2. Parents must be willing to cooperate with the policies of the school board. Parental non-compliance or interference with school policy is grounds for student expulsion.
  3. Both parties, prior to final admission of the student(s), should understand the financial arrangements between the school and the parents.
  4. By enrolling a student in ADCCA, a parent explicitly agrees to be an active part of the educational process. Parents are committing to encourage students in their course of study, including taking proper steps to ensure accountability at home, be it proper rest, nutrition, and/or the adequate time and place for homework.

Enrollment/Registration Policy

All Students and Families

  1. Families must complete the online enrollment form.
  2. Priorities are determined by the date the registration was received. (See date table below.)
  3. Unregistered existing families become prioritized by the next category and along with all new families as each time frame closes.
  4. A waiting list will be created based on priority of date registered in the event that classes reach capacity.

Existing Students and Families

Beginning January 23 of the current school year, existing families may begin the enrollment process for the next school year and pay their registration fee to guarantee their spot for all attending students as well as application fee for each new family member for the following school year. 

New Students and Families

Beginning February 21 of the current school year, new families may begin the enrollment process for the next school year and pay their registration fee to guarantee their spot for all attending students as well as application fee for each new family member for the following school year. 

Registration Fees

Registration OpenedRegistration ClosedRegistration FeeNotes
Existing FamiliesOnly January 23February 20$125+$25 per new studentPlacement for current students will not be reserved after February 14.
New or Existing FamilyFebruary 21May 28$200+$25 per new studentPlacement priority by date received if approved.
LateNew or Existing FamilyMay 29July 1st$300+$25 per new studentPlacement priority by date received if approved.

Academic Policies


New students must take an academic assessment prior to acceptance and meet the school’s grade level criteria to be accepted into the next successive grade level.

Current students must meet or exceed grade level expectations in all subject areas.

Student Withdrawal Policy

If a parent withdraws his/her student prior to the end of the grading period and the student does not complete all school work for that grading period, the student will receive an incomplete on his/her report card for each course of the grading period. In addition, the parent must be current and complete all financial obligations to the school or grades/school records will be withheld and not transferred until payment is received.


Homework is an essential part of education. As such, students at all grade levels will have

assignments to work on and complete on a daily basis. Parents should be supportive of this

policy by providing a suitable, quiet place to work, free from intrusion by other family members

and the various media. Homework should be an opportunity for practice or for the acquisition of background material. All assignments must be turned in on time. Expulsion could result from continual missing assignments and/or lack of parent/student involvement in the child’s education.   

Failure of Homework Completion Policy

Failure to complete homework consistently will result in the following steps. Progression to the next step will occur if the child continues to have incomplete work.

Step 1: Meeting with teacher, parents, and student

Step 2: Meeting with headmaster, parents, and student

Step 3: Meeting with the Board, the parents, and the student. Continued admission to ADCCA will be determined.

Planned Absences and Work Requests

When a planned absence is scheduled, please let the classroom teacher know as soon as possible. Teachers will do their best to get the work prepared before the student’s absence, but it cannot be guaranteed. Teachers work hard to make sure lessons are posted by 5pm on the Saturday before the work week. Parents are asked to make use of these plans for their upcoming absence. 

Curriculum Requests

In order to protect the time of our teachers, and to be fair to those who are paying for our product, teachers are not allowed to share curriculum with outside students. We also ask that parents not share Armis Dei Curriculum with others outside of the school. 

Academic Textbooks and Supplies

Students are required to buy and are responsible for all their textbooks, novels, and necessary supplies. A supply list will be made available in July.

Video Viewing Policy

Videos may be used on rare occasions to assist in helping students grasp a concept. We will not use videos for entertainment, in place of recess, as a reward, or when a concept can be taught by other teaching methods. Videos must meet a specific curricular objective and will not have profane language or sexually explicit material. Teachers must receive prior approval from the headmaster to show a video. Teachers are responsible for previewing videos to ensure that they are appropriate.

Physical/Learning Disabilities

Children with a severe learning disability will not be admitted to ADCCA due to the lack of adequate staff, funding, and facilities. Children who have been diagnosed as having a learning disability after enrollment will be required to meet the same academic standards as the other children in their grade level and will be given as much individual instruction and encouragement as their classmates. While there are some services, according to the law, that public schools must provide to private school students (e.g. speech and language), it is the responsibility of the parent to initiate the process by contacting the student’s teacher and the headmaster to inquire if services are available.

Adherence to this policy is based upon the following definitions:

Severe Learning Disability– Any condition in a potential student which would require a separate classroom, program, and staff in order to provide the educational services desired by the parents.

Learning Disability– Any condition in a potential student which does not require a separate classroom, program, and staff in order to provide the education services desired by the parents. For the purposes of this policy, it is not important whether or not the condition was accurately diagnosed and is a genuine learning disability.  

Parent Involvement Policy

And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4

As a support and extension of the family unit, ADCCA considers the family to be of first importance to a child. God, through His Word, the Bible, indicates that the family is the most important human institution He designed. We strive to support the family and respect parental authority and responsibility in all we do.  

ADCCA believes in the concept of “in logo parentis,” that is, in the place of the parent. At the core of our philosophy of education is the conviction that parents are ultimately responsible for the education of their children. We see ourselves as “subcontractors” of the parents. The parents are the contractors, the ones who are responsible for getting the job done. Our authority and our task are delegated to us from the parent. Therefore, we strongly encourage parental involvement in our school. We work hard at communicating with our parents to keep them abreast of their child’s progress academically, spiritually, and behaviorally. At ADCCA, we are continually seeking ways to actively involve parents and family of our students in the programs of the school.

Families may:

  1. Visit the school/class. Please call ahead out of courtesy to the teacher to make sure the time you’d like to visit is conducive to the learning taking place.
  2. Serve as story-readers, guest artists, or offer their special talents.
  3. Attend all Parent/Teacher Conferences. Informal conferences may be held anytime at a parent’s request.
  4. Closely monitor and praise their child’s progress by reading all teacher notes and papers sent home and responding accordingly.
  5. Volunteer for lunch and recess duty on occasion upon completion of an approved background check.
  6. Volunteer their time and effort to help with the school’s fundraisers and events.

Parent/Teacher Contact

If parents wish to talk with a teacher, the school asks that they please email or leave a message with the teacher to make an appointment. The school understands that it is convenient for parents to stop in before the school day starts; however, this tends to be a busy time since teachers are responsible for supervising their students and are preparing for the school day. After school, teachers may have appointments or meetings and may not be able to talk. Out of respect for their time and responsibility to their students, we ask parents to email or call ahead. All of our teachers are more than willing to talk with parents and appreciate input from them.

Student Health and Safety Policies

Student Immunization Policy

All students attending ADCCA must be compliant with the Wisconsin Student Immunization Law. In order to avoid exclusion from attending classes, students will have until the 30th day of school to provide the appropriate documentation of immunization(s) or an up-to-date signed waiver.

Minor Injury and Illness Care

ADCCA will provide limited first aid in case of minor injuries (e.g. bandaids, ice, etc.) and provide comfort for minor illness. Over-the-counter medications will not be given without written parent/legal guardian consent. If the student is unable to return to the classroom to participate in classroom activities, the student will be sent home. A staff member of ADCCA will make every effort to contact a parent/legal guardian, designee, or emergency contact person to coordinate the timely pick up of the student.

Guidelines for Keeping Sick Children Home

To protect students from communicable illnesses, students infected with certain diseases are not allowed to come to school while contagious. If a parent suspects that his or her child has a communicable or contagious disease, the parent should contact the school so that other students who might have been exposed to the disease may be alerted according to the Department of State Health Services. Refer to the Wisconsin Childhood Communicable Diseases chart at the following link for detailed information of the above and other communicable diseases. 

A student with any of the following symptoms must not attend school or will be sent home from school until the student is free from the symptoms listed below: 

  1. Oral temperature of 100.4 degrees or greater. Students must be fever-free for 24 hours, without fever-reducing medication, i.e.; Tylenol, Motrin, Advil, before re-entry. 
  2. Vomiting or diarrhea must be symptom-free for 24 hours, without medication, before re-entry. 
  3. Unable to practice good hygiene with an excessive cough.
  4. Undetermined rash over any part of the body accompanied by fever. Any rash, of which the cause is unknown, should be checked by a physician before the student returns to school.
  5. Red, draining eyes, intense itching with signs and symptoms of secondary infection.
  6. The student is diagnosed with a bacterial infection. The student may not return to school until he/she has been on antibiotics for 24 hours. 
  7. Open, draining lesions or wounds. 
  8. Lice or nits on the shaft of the hair. 
  9. The student is feeling too ill to participate in normal school activities including outdoor recess.
  10. For any infection, antibiotics must be taken for a minimum of 24 hours before re-admittance to school. A certificate of the attending physician attesting that the child does not currently have signs or symptoms of a communicable disease or to the disease’s non-communicability in a school setting; may be deemed necessary for re-entry into school. 

Students should be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to school. 

Emergency Medical Treatment

In the unusual circumstance of a sudden or severe illness, injury, or other medical emergency, the school may act with prudence and call 911 for medical assistance, consultation, or transportation.  EMS personnel will not administer any non-life-threatening medical treatment or transportation without a parent/guardian’s consent. Designees may not give consent for any medical treatment or transportation for a non-life-threatening condition unless a parent/legal guardian has given written consent to do so.

Implied Consent

Regarding minors, if a parent/legal guardian is not immediately available or cannot be reached in a timely manner to provide consent for treatment in a severe or life-threatening/grave situation and the delay in treatment would cause death or a serious loss of the student’s health, care may be provided without prior consent of a parent/legal guardian. It is implied that if the parent/guardian was present, they would consent to the care provided to save their student’s life or prevent serious loss.

As defined by the Wisconsin State Legislature Statute: 632.85, Implied Consent is assumed if a lack of immediate medical attention will likely result in any of the following:

  1. Serious jeopardy to the person’s health
  2. Serious impairment to the person’s bodily functions
  3. Serious dysfunction of one or more of the person’s body organs or parts

The determination of a life-threatening/grave or serious loss to the student’s health will be made with the help of the EMS personnel. Some examples of urgent conditions in which Implied Consent is used and treatment is given may be: anaphylactic shock, severe bleeding and respiratory or cardiac arrest. ADCCA is not liable for the costs of the EMS personnel medical assistance, consultation, or transportation. Such costs remain the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian.

Medical Needs

It is the parent’s responsibility to make the school aware of any allergies or medical information necessary for the health and safety of their child.

Personal Hygiene

All students of ADCCA must be independent in toileting. When an accident occurs, it is the responsibility of the parent to assist the child and to provide clean clothing. If there are repeated ‘accidents’, a meeting with the parents, teacher, and headmaster will be held to evaluate the situation. Appropriate action will be taken based on what is in the best interest of all students and the school.

Head Lice Policy

If a student is found to have live lice, his/her parent(s) will be notified and treatment will be recommended. The student will need to be picked up from school. Treatment needs to occur at home before the child can return to school the next day. The student will be checked the next day upon arrival at school. If found to have live lice, the student will need to be picked up again.


No guns, knives, or weapons of any kind are allowed to be brought on the school grounds by students.


A designated security person will be carrying a firearm at all times at our school.

School Management of Medications Policy

General Medication Information

  1. ADCCA desires for the parents/legal guardians to consider a medication administration plan which avoids or minimizes school-day doses. This will limit and provide fewer classroom disruptions and ensure a more academic focus for the student.
  2. It is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian to provide, at a minimum, a yearly review and update the student’s health and medication information with the school records.
  3. Cough drops must be provided by the parents/legal guardians with a note to administer them to the student. (Refer to Medication Administration later in this policy.)
  4. Students are not to self-carry or self-administer medications; see exceptions under Medication administration, later in this policy.
  5. Medications given to the student during the school day must be in an appropriately labelled container. (Refer to Medication Administration later in this policy.)
  6. Medications given to the student during the school day must have the appropriate form completed and submitted to the office. (Refer to the Medication Documentation, later in this policy.)
  7. Medication Authorization Forms and other Health Plan forms are available at the school office.

Medication Authorization and Health Plan Forms

Please contact the office for any necessary forms.

Medication Documentation

The following information gives additional details regarding the Authorization Forms listed above in the Medication Authorization and Health Plan Forms.

  1. Written instructions, a parent/legal guardian’s signature, and a licensed prescriber’s signature are required for the administration of:
    1. Prescription medication and OTC medication that is to be given daily for greater than 10 school days, or
    2. Nonprescription drug product in a dosage other than the recommended therapeutic dose on the label, regardless of the number of days given, or
    3. Prescription medication to be given as needed for the school year, or 
    4. Medication product that contains aspirin.
  2. Written instruction and a parent/legal guardian’s signature are required for administration of prescription or OTC medications to be given daily for less than 10 school days. The licensed prescriber’s signature is not required unless the recommended therapeutic dose differs from the OTC label.
  3. Written instructions should include:
    1. The name of the drug and its strength.
    2. The dose to be given.
    3. The approximate time medication is to be taken.
    4. The diagnosis or reason the medication is needed.
    5. A list of adverse effects that may be reasonably expected.
    6. Contraindications in administering the medication.
  4. Parent/legal guardian authorization and acknowledgement is required by signing and dating the Authorization Form.
  5. Medications without completed form(s) in the areas described in the policies above (as applicable) will not be given and will be sent home.
  6. Authorization for prescription, OTC medication and stock OTC medications must be obtained annually and when changes occur.

Medication Administration

  1. All prescription medications must be supplied in a correctly labeled pharmaceutical container.  It should include: student’s name, medication name, medication strength, medication dose, frequency/time of administration, method of administration, directions, and current date. When asked, pharmacies will create a “school” label/container.
  2. All OTC medications must be in their original container and should include the manufacturer’s label with ingredients, dosing recommendations, and possible drug interactions adn/or warnings. The student’s name will be written on the container, by the office.
  3. A self-injectable epinephrine device or inhaler may be self-carried and be self-administered by the student if authorized by the student’s licensed practitioner.
  4. Cough drops and throat lozenges may be self-carried and self-administered with a note from the parent/legal guardian. The note must include the student’s name, date, request, and a parent/guardian’s signature. Privileges will be revoked if the student shares his/her lozenges.
  5. Whenever possible, parents/legal guardians should hand-deliver prescribed and OTC medication to the student’s teacher. 

School Responsibilities

  1. All medications (prescription and OTC) will be administered to the student by one of the following:
    1. ADCCA school personnel designated by the headmaster, or
    2. A parent or legal guardian of the student.
  2. School personnel authorized by the headmaster to administer medication to students shall see that the medication is given within 30 minutes before or after the time specified by the Medication Authorization Form.
  3. All medications will be stored in a secure location and inside a securely locked, clean container or cabinet accessible to the persons administering it but not to unauthorized persons.
  4. Controlled substances shall be counted and reconciled when a refill is brought in, with verification by another school personnel. The amount of medication and initials of personnel who verified the medication count shall document the above information.
  5. All Medication Authorization and Health Plan Forms will be retained with ADCCA, in a locked location for four years.
  6. Unused medication not picked up by the parent/legal guardian within 5 business days after the completion of the school year or when the medication has been discontinued will be properly destroyed and disposed of by ADCCA.

School Policies


We love because God first loved us. “Behavior” is a matter of treating others as defined in Scripture in God’s law. Thus, the expectation at ADCCA for behavior is found in God’s law. 

  1. Children should honor and fear the Lord. Treating our Lord and Savior with irreverence will not be tolerated.
  2. Students are to love their elders by honoring and respecting all adults and other authorities while at school (and otherwise). Some of the details of what this will look like are spelled out below. Disrespect of teachers, adults, or other authorities will not be tolerated. 
  3. Students are to relate to their peers freely and with fun while learning to treat others as they would want to be treated.

When these are followed the students should:

  1. Be polite and attentive.
  2. Attend school consistently, be on time, and take responsibility for making up any work promptly when absent. Each student will bear the responsibility for his own conduct. Each student will respect the school’s atmosphere of learning by attending class and being prepared and punctual.
  3. Follow directions when they are given.
  4. Follow all reasonable requests made by adults on the premises with a positive attitude, and show respect for self, others, and property. Each student is expected to cooperate with and respect the faculty and staff, including administration, teachers, secretaries, custodians, and any other people working in the school. Students are expected to communicate in an acceptable tone of voice using an acceptable choice of words.
  5. Follow lunchroom, playground, field trip, lab, and individual classroom rules. Each student is expected to follow school rules when participating in school-related events.
  6. Adhere to the dress code.
  7. Not use threats or intimidation against any other person.
  8. Respect the health and safety of others, safety rules, and not use tobacco, alcohol, or other illegal substances.
  9. Be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell or the clock.
  10. Not leave school or the playground without permission.
  11. Students will not bring anything to school that could be used to harm another or that is illegal.
  12. Be honest. Cheating is unacceptable at ADCCA and is defined as the following: plagiarism or copying an answer, working together on an assignment that was intended to be completed individually, and looking at another student’s paper during a test.

Student Electronic Device/Internet Policy

Electronic Devices

Unless an exception is made by a student’s teacher, no electronic devices or use of the internet are allowed on the school grounds. If a student brings an electronic device on the school premises, it must remain in the student’s backpack until the student is picked up after school. Students caught with electronic devices out of their backpack will have the device taken away until the end of the school day and a parent will have to come retrieve it from the student’s teacher.


No student shall use the internet without explicit permission.

Cell Phones

Cell phones shall not be seen or heard in any class or within the school. They must be stored on silent or off in each student’s personal locker/cubby. Students caught with cell phones out of their backpack will have the device taken away until the end of the school day and a parent will have to come retrieve it from the student’s teacher.

ADCCA is not responsible for loss, theft, or breakage of items brought to the school.

Classroom Etiquette

There are a number of etiquette protocols that students will be taught to follow in the classroom. This will show respect to others. 

  1. When someone enters the classroom, students will stand up and greet the visitor as a group. (ie- “Good morning, Mrs. Smith”)
  2. When asked a direct question by the classroom teacher, the student will stand up and answer clearly in complete sentences. 

(ie- “George, what is the capital of Wisconsin?” stands “The capital of Wisconsin is Madison.”

  1. Students will respond to questions with “yes” or “no,” and avoid all variants including “yeah.” 
  2. Students will raise their hands and wait patiently to be called on. 

Teachers will have the ability to create classroom routines and question and answer responses unique to their class. There will also be a standard set of assembly sayings that will be used throughout ADCCA. The following will be used joyfully in the classroom and may be used at home for reinforcement as well. The teacher/parent will start with the bold phrase, and the students will recite the response. 

  1. Obey … Right away, all the way, with a good attitude everyday
  2. Greater love has no one than this… that someone lay down his life for his friends. 
  3. Leave it… better than you found it. 
  4. Lines… sprint, straight, silent (clap, clap, clap)
  5. God is opposed to the proud… but gives grace to the humble. 
  6. Never … panic.
  7. He who hates correction … is stupid. 
  8. Hand . . . shake, firm & cheerful eyes on eyes.
  9. You will reap… what you sow.
  10. Out of the abundance of the heart . . . the mouth speaks.
  11. If anyone is not willing to work…let him not eat.

Discipline Policy

The purpose of discipline is to teach children how to act in a godly, Christian manner when sin occurs and how to seek forgiveness to return to fellowship. 

It is imperative that our school be a haven of safety for all children. Actions that jeopardize the safety of others are dealt with promptly. The kind and amount of discipline will be determined by the teachers and the headmaster. The discipline will be administered in light of the student’s problem and attitude.  As part of our belief in the authority of the family, parents will be made aware of concerns or warnings given to a student by a teacher or the headmaster.  

The goals of discipline at ADCCA are:

  1. To handle sin and other issues in a godly manner.
  2. To maintain a highly effective learning environment where students focus on gaining knowledge with as minimal distraction as possible.
  3. To utilize the need for discipline as a rich opportunity for students to learn about themselves and others, and to provide students with actual character education and lessons.
  4. To reinforce ADCCA’s commitment to treating all students with fairness, respect, and equality.

Teachers have the authority to implement discipline in their classrooms that is consistent with the ADCCA discipline goals listed above. Teachers will utilize the headmaster to implement discipline whenever appropriate and most especially when disciplinary action by the teacher would take away from maintaining an effective learning environment in the classroom. Disciplinary procedures may also involve the other designated ADCCA staff besides those mentioned.  

Teachers may use the following means of discipline:

  1. Writing student’s name on board 
  2. Asking the student to sit in a different place in the classroom or hall
  3. Calling parents
  4. Sending the student to the Headmaster for an office visit

The headmaster’s role in discipline occurs when there are instances where a stronger warning or more severe penalty is needed. There are six basic offenses that will automatically necessitate such action. 

They are:

  1. Disrespect shown to any staff member.
  2. Dishonesty in any situation while at school, including lying, cheating, and stealing.
  3. Rebellion, i.e., outright disobedience in response to instructions, including repeated failure to follow teacher directions or complete tasks as assigned.
  4. Fighting, i.e., striking in anger with the intention to harm another student.
  5. Unkind, obscene, vulgar, or profane language.
  6. Gossip, rumor or talk of a personal, sensational or intimate nature. Trivial talk or writing about another individual.

The goal of any meeting between a student and the headmaster is that of a learning opportunity for the student to implement a positive change in thought and behavior. The process will involve a discussion of the Gospel and forgiveness. In most instances, parents will be notified of the student’s visit to the headmaster’s office. The primary goal of the choice of consequence by the headmaster is to require the student to take responsibility for the infraction and reconcile the student to classmates and/or teacher and staff.  

If a student receives an office visit, the following accounting will be observed within the school year:

  1. The first two times a student has an office visit the student’s parents will be contacted afterward and given the details. Their assistance and support in averting further problems will be sought.
  2. The third office visit will be followed by a meeting with the student, his/her parents, headmaster, and teacher if necessary.
  3. Should the student require a fourth office visit, he/she will be suspended for two days. The student will be required to make up all classroom assignments and tests missed during the suspension period.
  4. If a fifth office visit is required, the student will be expelled from the school.

The included goals of a parent conference with the headmaster are:

  1. To exchange accurate information about the student.
  2. To determine how the parent-school partnership can best work together to lead the student to reform his behavior and heart.

The headmaster will determine the nature of the discipline. The headmaster may require immediate suspension for the remainder of the day, restitution, janitorial work, parental attendance during the school day with their child, or other measures deemed appropriate. In severe cases where there is no change in the student’s actions or assistance from the parents, the child will be expelled for the remainder of the school year.

Serious Misconduct

Should a student commit an act with such serious consequences that the headmaster deems it necessary, the protocol defined above may be bypassed and suspension or expulsion imposed immediately. Examples of such serious misconduct could include acts endangering the lives of other students or staff members, gross violence/vandalism to the school facilities, violations of civil law, or any act in clear contradiction of scriptural commands. Students may be subject to school discipline for serious misconduct which occurs after school hours.


The headmaster will normally follow the protocol below. In cases where change is evident and the student appears repentant, exceptions are possible. These exceptions will be determined by the headmaster. Appeals for exceptions will not be recognized.

  1. First offense of any of the above-mentioned behaviors and others where the child is clearly disobeying authority – Warning, restitution/apologies, suspension for one school day. Missed work must be turned in when the child returns to school or a grade of zero will be recorded.
  2. Second offense – Restitution/apologies, suspension for two school days. Missed work must be turned in when the child returns to school or a grade of zero will be recorded.
  3. Third offense – Restitution/apologies, suspension for five school days. Missed work must be turned in when the child returns to school or a grade of zero will be recorded.
  4. Fourth offense – Expulsion for the remainder of the school year.


The ADCCA Board realizes that expelling a student from school is a very serious matter and should always be carefully dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Forgiveness and restitution (repairing the damages through work, apologies, etc.) are fundamental to our total discipline policy. However, should a student and his parents not be able to eliminate behavioral problems before a fourth offense occurs, the student will be expelled. The procedure will be as follows:

First Formal Meeting

A meeting will be held to discuss concerns between the headmaster, teacher, and parent.

  1. Parents will be notified immediately after the decision for expulsion.
  2. The student will turn in all school texts/materials, clear out his/her desk and/or locker area, and be picked up by his/her parents the same day.
  3. Transfer of school records will be arranged within a week following expulsion.
  4. Appeals may be made first to the headmaster and then to the ADCCA School Board.

Conflict Resolution Policy

We consider it a great privilege to serve families in educating their children from a Christian and classical perspective. We are committed to upholding and supporting each family’s authority in the lives of their children. This kind of relationship requires clear communication. We recognize that in this relationship there lies a great temptation to talk to others (gossip) about a specific issue or person rather than take direct action to resolve conflicts in a manner consistent with scripture. We have outlined the proper lines of communication and dealing with grievance according to the biblical principle found in Matthew 18 and James 3. We believe that Scripture teaches that conflicts should be handled discreetly and carefully, while believing and speaking the best about each individual involved.  ADCCA administration and teachers will abide by these same principles in communication with parents and students.

It is understood that if any disputes arise which are not covered by this policy, the Board will decide what procedures to follow based on a parity of reasoning from those procedures established by this policy.

Students/Parents to Teachers:

All concerns about the classroom must first be presented to the teacher by the parents, or if the student is mature enough, by the student himself. Before the concern is presented, the student and/or parent should take the time to prayerfully consider the plank in his/her own eyes. They ought also to think the best of the teacher until proven otherwise. All concerns must be presented in a respectful and gentle manner. If the problem is not resolved, the parents or student may bring the concern to the headmaster. If the student brings the concern, he must have permission from his parents to do so.  If there is no resolution, they may request a hearing from the ADCCA School Board.

Parents/Patrons to Administrator:

If parents or patrons have a grievance or dispute about the general operation of the school (apart from the operation of the classrooms), they may bring their concerns to the headmaster. Parents may also present concerns about an individual teachers’ behavior, rules or procedures directly to the headmaster if the matter was not resolved with the specific teacher. If there is no resolution, they may request a hearing from the ADCCA School Board. This procedure applies to board members who are acting in their capacity as parents/patrons, and not as representatives of the Board.

Volunteers to Staff/Administration:

If any volunteer has a concern about the volunteer work, he may present that concern to the staff member responsible for his oversight. If the problem is not resolved, then the concern may be presented in writing to the headmaster, followed by a meeting with him to discuss the concern. If the problem is still not resolved, the volunteer may request a hearing from the Board in writing. The headmaster is required to pass the request on to the Board.

While clear communications between school and families can break down with negative issues, they can break down with positive issues as well. Often parents will have an idea on how to improve the school, but are not sure how to share it. In this case, the same principles should be applied. A parent who has an idea about how to improve a classroom should talk to the teacher. A parent who has an idea about how to improve the school in general should talk to the administration. It is always best to communicate directly with the person primarily in authority over the issue at hand.

* This handbook does not contractually bind the school in any way.

Attendance Policies

School Hours

Pre-K: 12:20pm-3:20pm

Grades K-6: 8:25-3:20pm


Students at ADCCA are expected to attend all prescribed classes. A record of attendance for each student will be kept.

The office must be notified by 8:15 a.m. with the reason for any unplanned absence. Absences will be listed as unexcused (i.e.truant) until the parent has communicated with the school regarding the absence. Three or more unexcused absences could lead to student probation or expulsion. Excused absences are considered for medical reasons and bereavement. The school may require suitable proof of excused absences, including written statements from medical sources. 

Full-Day Absence: The student is absent from school for 3.5 hours or more.

Half-Day Absence: The student is absent from school between 1 and 3.5 hours.

The school may notify and/or conference with the student’s parents when the student has accumulated 5 days of excused/unexcused absences in a school year. The school will use discretion for all cases of absences where they are aware that the student has been under a physician’s treatment. 

Tardy Policy

Tardiness is a form of absence and interferes with student learning. Disruption and loss of instruction time result when students are not in their classroom ready to begin learning on time. Parents are expected to have their students at school a minimum of 5 minutes prior to the start of class. Anytime a child arrives in the classroom after 8:25 a.m. (Grades K-6), or after 12:20 p.m. (PreK) is considered tardy.  

A phone call home will be made after the 3rd tardy and subsequent tardies. The school door will be locked at 8:20. If you are tardy, you will need to be buzzed in at the office door and walk your child to his/her classroom. Parents may drop their child off in the hallway. Parents are not permitted to go into the classroom for a tardy drop off.

Below are definitions of excused and unexcused tardies. Tardies are recorded and reported on the report card.

Excused Tardy: The student is late to the school because of sickness, injury, death in the family, medical or dental appointments with a note from the physician, school sponsored activities, or other reasons approved by school administration.

Unexcused Tardy: The student is late to school and it is not due to one of the reasons in the excused tardies listed above. 

Pick Up and Drop Off Policy

The following parking and drop off/pick up regulations were established to ensure safety for all students, parents, and faculty at ADCCA as well to provide organized procedures during the busiest times of the day. Doors to our facility will remain locked at all times for safety purposes.

Morning Drop Off

At the beginning of the school day, the headmaster or a teacher will be greeting students and parents at Door 6 located by the playground between 8:15 a.m. and 8:20 a.m. for K-6 and Pre-K between 12:15 p.m. and 12:20 p.m. Students will be expected to proceed directly to their classrooms. Parents may drop off their child in the foyer of Door 6, but may not enter the hallway. Once Door 6 is locked, parents must gain access through the main church door. No students will be allowed in the building before 8:15 a.m. for K-6 and 12:15 p.m. for PreK.

Pick Up

Parents are expected to wait for their student in their car at the Door 6 location when the class is dismissed.  Pick up from Door 6 is to be no later than 3:25 p.m. If you need to buckle your child in a car seat or if you need to talk to a teacher, please pull into the designated parking spots so as not to hold up the line. Cars will line up near Door 6 and students will be released to their car by a teacher or staff member. Alternative rides set up by the guardians must be given in writing before dismissal. If the school does not receive an email, note, or phone call from the parent informing the school of alternative transportation, students will only be allowed to leave with an approved adult.

Student Check-Out

Students may NOT be taken from the school or playground unless parents have signed them out from their classroom teacher.  A student will not be released to someone other than a legal parent or guardian without notification from a legal parent or guardian.

Weather and Emergency

ADCCA will alert families to school closure, or delays due to snow by 6:00 a.m. via text, email, Facebook, and local media (WJFW). If no announcement is made by 6:00 a.m., it is a regular school day. 

Our snow policy calls for the headmaster to monitor the weather during times of heavy snow. We will be looking at how the weather affects the safety of our families traveling to school. We encourage our families to use their own judgment as to whether or not they bring their children to school on inclement weather days. If it is felt that a snow day closing or delay is necessary, a decision will be made by 6:00 a.m. and notifications are made as indicated above. 

School Dress Code & Uniform Policy

Dress Code

ADCCA is a workplace for students as well as for teachers.  Students should dress in a way to demonstrate their respect for the school. Therefore, students shall dress neatly, be clean, and be modest.

  1. Being overly concerned with clothing and outward appearances is contrary to God’s will for us as revealed in Scripture (1 Samuel 16:7; Matthew 6:19-21; James 4:4; 1 John 2:15-17).
  2. Pressures felt by children to compete in areas of dress are destructive to the unity of the school and the body of Christ.
  3. Everything in our lives, including our clothing, should reflect the order of the Godhead and the order He has created in the world (1 Corinthians 14:40).
  4. Clothing should be modest and not draw attention to the individual (1 Timothy 2:9-10) and should reflect differences in gender (Deuteronomy 22:5).
  5. Our children are serving as witnesses and ambassadors both for the Lord Jesus Christ and the school. Student appearance is a reflection of both.


ADCCA’s standard uniform is described below. 

Boys (Pre-K-6)Uniform Oxford (long or short)Uniform Sweater VestUniform SweaterUniform KhakisNavy SocksBrown Dress Shoes or Boots
Girls (Pre-K-6)Uniform White PoloUniform CardiganUniform Jumper
*Solid dark navy shorts or leggings with no holes, mesh, or decorations of any kind may be worn under the jumper.
Navy SocksBrown Mary-Jane Shoes
  1. All clothing must be purchased from the approved choices of clothing for each gender from Tommy Hilfiger (
  2. All jumpers and shorts must not be shorter than the student’s hand width (measured across the palm), above the knee. Jumpers must have a dress code polo shirt underneath and under shorts or leggings.  
  3. All pants, shorts, leggings, and skirts must fit at the natural waistline.
  4. Shirts and blouses must be tucked in and buttoned modestly by both girls and boys.
  5. Sweaters, cardigans, and vests do not have to be tucked in. A collared shirt must be worn under all V-neck sweaters.
  6. Students may not wear outdoor coats to class unless adequate heat is not coming from the classrooms. If a student is cold, sweaters or cardigans should be utilized according to the dress code.
  7. Winter snow boots are not to be worn in the classroom or as shoes.

Cold Weather Policy

Outdoor recess takes place during cold weather, so adequate outdoor gear is to be provided.  If a student is well enough to be at school, he/she will be expected to go outside for recess and sometimes physical education class, unless the entire school remains inside due to inclement weather. Students will go outside unless the temperature and/or wind chill is below zero.

Lunch Policy

Students are required to bring cold lunches from home. Students must bring their own eating utensils. Liquids are to be in containers with leak-proof lids or covers. Parents are asked to not send food that needs to be warmed in a microwave. Student lunches and snacks should be healthy ones.

Financial Policies

The following financial policies were created to ensure timely payment of tuition expenses as well as to establish policies whereby unpaid tuition can be collected as early as possible.

All tuition payments must be current in order for a family to enroll their Student(s) for subsequent school years. Any returning families who are not current in the aforementioned expenses must pay these expenses in full before enrollment is complete.

Late tuition is defined as tuition not paid within 10 days of their due date.  A late fee of $20 will be applied if payment is received after 10 days.

  1. In the event that tuition and/or fees are not paid within the first 10 days of their due date, a fee reminder correspondence will be sent to all applicable families. This will be done not later than 10 days after the due date. If tuition and/or fees are still not paid within the following 14 days, the Board will personally contact the Student’s parents. The essential elements or agreements made at that time will be recorded and filed. If an agreement is not made or adhered to, and payment is not received after 60 days, the student will be expelled and grades withheld until payment is received.
  2. Each family further expressly agrees that ADCCA reserves the right to dismiss (expel) the Student at any time for academic or disciplinary reasons, for lack of parental compliance of the rules, policies, and regulations, or for nonpayment of tuition. Each family also expressly agrees that ADCCA shall have the right to dismiss the Student at any time if the School, in its sole discretion, determines that the dismissal of the Student is in the best interest of the Student or the School. Each family understands that neither the dismissal by the School, nor absence or withdrawal by the parent of the Student, shall diminish said family’s obligation to pay all tuition due to the School.
  3. Each family expressly agrees that if the Student discontinues enrollment for any reason, that all prepaid tuition and fees are non-refundable and non-transferable regardless of the circumstances.
  4. A contract in this format will be signed by each enrolling family every school year and shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin.  
  5. Parents or guardians who sign the enrollment contract and enroll their student(s) understand their financial commitment and the dates payments are due, and agree to faithfully meet their obligations to the school. They have read the ADCCA Statement of Faith and understand that it constitutes the doctrinal beliefs of the school. They understand that its truths will be purposefully and clearly taught to their child/ren. They have read the Educational Philosophy of ADCCA. They have read this Parent/Student Handbook and, insofar as it applies to parents, they will adhere to it.  They understand that they will be given the most current Parent/Student Handbook by June 15th and that it is their responsibility to read the handbook by the first day of school so that they are up to date with current policies and procedures of the School.
  6. A student enrolling after the school year has begun will owe a prorated amount of tuition for the part of the school year that remains. A student may not begin attending classes until they have paid the installment charge that is due. A receipt will be sent out to each family after payments are received.

Withdrawals and Refunds

Armis Dei retains and hires the best available teachers for your students. We contract our teachers for the entire school year based on registrations, so our withdrawal policy reflects this commitment. After enrolling, parents are responsible to pay tuition for the entire school year. When a student withdraws from Armis Dei (for any reason), a letter of withdrawal/explanation is required. Refunds will be given for the following reasons only:

1.       Medical withdrawal of the students for any physical disability certified to and treated by a legally qualified medical professional.

2.       Job related transfer of a parent or guardian beyond a 50-miles radius of the school.

The registration fee is non-refundable in all situations.

Faculty Policies Applicable to Parents & Students

Code of Ethics Policy

This policy was established to maintain the testimony of ADCCA as a Christian school. This policy applies to all individuals who represent ADCCA in any capacity and states that all teachers, staff members, and representatives of ADCCA are expected to conform to biblical standards of behavior at all times.

Loco Parentis Policy

The phrase loco parentis means “in place of the parents.” This policy is maintained to ensure that parental authority over the education of their children is respected at ADCCA. This policy applies to all teachers and staff who exercise authority of any kind over the students.

  1. At all levels, the ADCCA Board, administration, and teachers acknowledge that the school does not function above parental authority, but rather with delegated authority (in loco parentis) from the parents.
  2. The ADCCA mission statement represents the desired results, which we believe will come from our education and support of godly homes. We intend to fulfill these established goals through supporting parents who are already dedicated to such goals in their respective households.
  3. The school implementation of our goal is not intended to supplant the responsibility of parents before God for the nurture and education of their children.
  4. The school will seek to fulfill the obligations we have with regard to this policy, and both our goals, primarily through careful admissions procedures, faithfulness to our stated mission, and biblical discipline.

Non-Discriminatory Clause

ADCCA admits students of any race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to the students at the school. It does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.  

Rights to Change Handbook

ADCCA reserves the right to amend any policy in this handbook upon approval from the Board of Directors.  Please contact the Chairman of the Board of Directors if you have any questions or concerns regarding this handbook.

Parent/Student Handbook Agreement Form

As a parent/guardian of a child attending Armis Dei Classical Christian Academy, I have read, understand, and agree to comply with the rules and procedures of Armis Dei Classical Christian Academy’s Parent/Student Handbook. I understand that failure to comply with the rules and procedures outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook may result in expulsion from Armis Dei Classical Christian Academy.

Name of Student(s) (Please Print)


Name of Parent/Guardian (Please Print)         Relationship to Student ______________________________________________          __________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian     Date

______________________________________________         __________________

Failure of Homework Completion Policy Form

Failure to complete homework consistently will result in the following steps. Progression to the next step will occur if the child continues to have incomplete work.

Step 1: Meeting with teacher, parents, and student

Step 2: Meeting with headmaster, parents, and student

Step 3: Meeting with the Board, parents, and student. Continued admission to ADCCA will be determined at the meeting.

Name of Student(s) (Please Print)


Name of Parent/Guardian (Please Print)         Relationship to Student ______________________________________________          __________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian     Date

______________________________________________         __________________