Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Classical Education?

  • Is Armis Dei a non–profit organization?

Yes, Armis Dei Academy is a 501(c )(3) non-profit corporation formed in the state of Wisconsin and is governed by a Board of Directors.

  • Is Armis Dei governed by a church?

No, the school is a nondenominational organization governed by a board of men and women from this community.

  • What unique courses will students encounter at Armis Dei?

Armis Dei includes the regular courses found at any school but also includes courses like Bible, logic, rhetoric and Latin. These courses are part of the Classical Model and have been the way every free human being learns to perceive truth and enjoy the beauty of God’s world. Along with our courses, we emphasize the reading of great literature. Our students will read the great books of western civilization and so grow in their ability to understand how the world they live in came to be and be able to critically engage for God’s glory.

  • Why is the study of Latin included?

A short answer is because the educational method we subscribe to, the Classical Model, includes it. But, if you’d like a longish answer, check out this link Top Ten Reasons for Studying Latin.

  • Is Armis Dei governed by or associated with a church?

No, Armis Dei isn’t governed by a church but is made up of families who attend many different churches in Northwoods. Armis Dei is governed by a board of men and women from the area. Also, though the school isn’t formally associated with any one church, we do pray and work to be a benefit to the Body of Christ in our area. We love the church!

  • If my child attends Armis Dei, will all the state requirements be fulfilled? 

Yes, and then some. That is, the education your child receives (and that you partner with) exceeds requirements for the various grade levels. 

  • What is my (a parent) role at Armis Dei?

Parents are taught by the Holy Spirit in Ephesians 6:4 to, “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” Because God gives this responsibility to parents, we believe that Armis Dei exists to give parents the assistance they need to give their children a godly education that forms not only their minds but their character. More specifically, parents are very involved in the day-to-day education of their children by prayer, communication, serving as a co-teacher on home days under the guidance of the classroom teacher, and by being an active part of the life of the school.

  • Who chooses the curriculum?

The headmaster is the one who is ultimately responsible for choosing the curriculum, but he works with the classroom teacher to ensure that the curriculum is godly, challenging and helpful to the growth of each student. The school staff has expertise in this area and spends hours and hours in prayer, research and development in order to provide great leadership in this area. We evaluate curriculum each year and may make changes as needed. We pray that our role in this part of your child’s education will be a great blessing to you as a co-teacher.

  • If I’m a “co-teacher,” how do I know what to teach each week? 

Whenever one undertakes a “new-to-them” endeavor the unknown always leaves us feeling a bit helpless! We can’t imagine how things will work and this can leave us in doubt. Have no fear! The model of school we use that involves parents as co-teachers may be new to many, but it is far from new! This model has been working for nearly 40 years and hundreds of families have been very successful with it. Even though Armis Dei is relatively new, our teachers are experts committed to providing you what you need to be successful. 

Here’s what may be helpful to know. First, each summer, the week before school begins, we provide “co-teacher” training. This training gives you the tools and insight you need to fulfill your calling as your child’s co-teachers. Second, we have engaged an online educational website, ClassReach, that is our one-stop shop for all communication between classroom teachers and co-teachers. Everything you’ll need to know what to teach will be provided on a weekly basis by your child’s classroom teacher on ClassReach. Third, the weekly format of teaching includes the classroom teachers teaching new and/or key concepts and objects in the classrooms on Mondays and Wednesdays. These concepts are then reinforced, applied, and practiced at home by the co-teachers. You’ll know what you’ll need to accomplish at home because each Friday the following week’s lesson plans will be posted on ClassReach! You can print off the plans and everything you’ll need will be included! 

  • What other additional items will be needed at Armis Dei?

Your child will need a uniform. Orders are usually taken in June or July before the following school year, and any items that may be required during the school year can also be ordered. Depending on your child’s grade level certain books will be needed. You’ll work with your teacher to make sure that you have them before the school year begins. Any other required items will be communicated to you by your classroom teacher.

  • Why does Armis Dei require uniforms?

We decided early on in the formation of our school that we’d require uniforms. Why? One simple reason is that it makes preparing for school simpler. Each school day, you’ll never have to ask (or have an argument about), “what will we wear for school today?” Additionally, we believe that school uniforms build an identity together. Though each student is an individual, we also want the students and families to realize that we’re all part of something together (the community also takes note of this). Lastly, the uniforms looks sharp and communicate the importance of  “dressing for success” in a way that encourages modesty, decency, and propriety while de-emphasizing the need to gain attention and status through what one wears.

  • Does Armis Dei require or use any sort of standardized testing?

Yes, in late April of each school year, Armis Dei takes time out of two Wednesdays to provide testing for our students. These tests helps our teachers and co-teachers understand where each student is at, what areas are doing well and what areas need improvement.